
A Public Health Approach to Public Safety: Examples from the Field (On Demand-CE)

Started Aug 20, 2021
1 credit

$3 Enroll

Full course description

PLEASE NOTE: You must pay a $3 fee to enroll in this CE version of the course. 

If you are NOT seeking CE or a certificate of completion, please enroll in the free version:

Many organizations and agencies in the field of public health have stated that policing is a public health issue (see the APHA policy statement, Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue (Links to an external site.)), but how do we move beyond a declaration? Alternate public safety response programs exist, but how are they structured, how do they operate, and what is their impact? This training will provide public health practitioners with insights from three unarmed public safety models so that public health and public safety agencies, as well as governing bodies, may explore implementing similar programs.

This training was originally held on August 11, 2021.


Public health practitioners, particularly those working in governmental agencies, as well as those working in public safety and other cross-sectoral fields

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the need for unarmed public safety response programs as an alternative to police response
  • Describe models to design and implement an unarmed response program
  • Consider how to measure impact and incorporate community feedback into continuous improvement efforts


Andrew Dameron, CPE, Support Team Assisted Response (STAR (Links to an external site.)), Denver, CO

Angelica Almeida, PhD, Street Crisis Response Team (SCRT (Links to an external site.)), San Francisco, CA

Anne Larsen, MPA, Crisis Response Unit (CRU (Links to an external site.)), Olympia, WA

Moderated by:

Lisa Jackson, PhD, Ann Arbor Independent Community Police Oversight Commission, Ann Arbor, MI

Continuing Education Credit

  • 1.0 CHES Category I CECH (Areas of Responsibility: 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 2.2.2, 4.5.3, 8.1.4)*
  • Certificate of Completion

*The Region V Public Health Training Center is a designated provider (ID# 99038) of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. [We report credits to NCHEC on a quarterly basis: January, April, July, and October.]


This training is co-sponsored by the Michigan Chapter of Public Health Awakened.

The Region V Public Health Training Center is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UB6HP31684 Public Health Training Centers ($924,899). This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by Region V PHTC, HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

Technical Information

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